New to BBC
Visiting Bethel Baptist Church of Ravenna
Visiting a new church can be a difficult experience. However, at Bethel Baptist Church, we want to make your visit as enjoyable as possible for your whole family. We invite you to join us and experience exciting music, helpful teaching, powerful preaching, and friendly fellowship with other believers. You may not know what to expect, but we will try to answer some of your questions here.
Our church is located at 745 N Freedom St. in Ravenna across the street from Woodgate Apartments. There are three buildings on the property, but our services are held in the tan metal building that can be seen from the street. Our youth Sunday School classes take place in the brown brick building next to our main auditorium. Additionally, "Super Church" for all children is held in the white brick building during the morning service. If you have any questions about where you should go, our greeters can meet you at the front door and help direct you.
Parking is located behind the church adjacent to the main door and wraps around our main building. We also have satellite parking available a half mile down the road at the Elks Club during our morning services. Shuttle drivers will take you to and from your vehicle before and after services.
Service Times
Our service times are as follows:
Sunday School…...........….9:30 a.m.
Morning Service…..........10:30 a.m.
Evening Service……..........6:00 p.m.
Bible Study………….....….….7:00 p.m.